About Me

For You

    Do you like reading books about fantasy, adventure and romance? What about staying home, comfy clothes and a nice beverage? My blog is for fellow introverts who like to read books. You will be able to have fun and enjoy reading reviews about books you love or books you want to love, as if you are talking to your bestie.

Hello, I'm Sunnie

    Ever since I was a small kid I’ve always been a lil’ book dragon. Over the years I have been collecting books, some might say I have too many, but I believe in the word tsundoku. Tsundoku is a Japanese word that means “Pile of Books”. Yes that’s right I have a pile of books and a TBR that is longer than Santa’s Naughty or Nice list. I am going to blog about books as I cross them off my list. I hope you join me on my quest as I embark on this new adventure.